Green Energy franchisor wishes to sell in order to focus on other business opportunities. Excellent opportunity to grow a system that already has 34 franchisees, over $100,000 in recurring royalty income, and a diversified portfolio of products and services. Great add on for a multi branded franchisor or any vendor in the green energy industry. Talented support and training employee available to new owner.
Primary Business Focus:
Type of Business:
Number of Franchised Units:
Number of Franchisees:
Number of Company-owned Units:
New Unit Investment Range:
Time Zone At Company Headquarters:
International Franchisees:
Number of Years Franchising:
Number of Franchisor Employees:
Real Estate Owned:
Primary Revenue Sources:
Franchisor’s Prior Year EBITDA:
Other (Products)
Under – 100
Under – 50
Under – 50
Under – 50k
5 – 10
Under – 10
Royalties (or similar)
100k – 1 million